Observations were recorded on growth, physiology and flowering parameters at peak vegetative, bud appearance and peak flowering stage. Treatments consisted of T - Soil alone(control), T -Soil +F YM(Growers practice), T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Perlite + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Vermicompost + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Perlite + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Perlite + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia and T - Soil + FYM + Coco peat + Perlite + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia.

The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. Salem Green Plants Limited, Yercaud during the year 2011 – 2013 to find out the effect of growing media consortia on growth, physiology and yield of chrysanthemum var.Amalfi under greenhouse conditions. Afield experiment was conducted at a private farm of M/s.