
Download Anthurium Cultivation Pdf In Sinhala Software
Download Anthurium Cultivation Pdf In Sinhala Software

Observations were recorded on growth, physiology and flowering parameters at peak vegetative, bud appearance and peak flowering stage. Treatments consisted of T - Soil alone(control), T -Soil +F YM(Growers practice), T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Perlite + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Vermicompost + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Perlite + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Coco peat + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia, T - Soil + FYM+ Perlite + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia and T - Soil + FYM + Coco peat + Perlite + Vermicompost + Microbial consortia.

Download Anthurium Cultivation Pdf In Sinhala Software Download Anthurium Cultivation Pdf In Sinhala Software

The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. Salem Green Plants Limited, Yercaud during the year 2011 – 2013 to find out the effect of growing media consortia on growth, physiology and yield of chrysanthemum var.Amalfi under greenhouse conditions. Afield experiment was conducted at a private farm of M/s.

Download Anthurium Cultivation Pdf In Sinhala Software